'waves hand at the gathered masses, you know who you are...
I just realized the last post was also probably the last healthy day my family has seen since. Today included, since I have now fallen ill to the plague my hubbs has been battling since, maybe, Friday? blech
The crochet blanket mentioned previously is coming along nicely, although it has changed forms a couple times since then. It has attained the form it will finish with now, even if it means sacrificing the previous incarnation which was awesome but not doing for me in a crib blanket. I'll get some pics up when I'm not feeling like I've got a monkey on my back...literally....with his monkey hands encircling my throat and squeezing.
Until which time I'm feeling less monkey ridden I leave you with a few pics of some oldies but goodies...things I've created in my more obsessive healthier days...good times.
Yarrrrgh, I need a haircut! But you get the drift. |