Wednesday, March 30, 2011

in Blanket terms

Just popping on here to say "Hi"


'waves hand at the gathered masses, you know who you are...

I just realized the last post was also probably the last healthy day my family has seen since.  Today included, since I have now fallen ill to the plague my hubbs has been battling since, maybe, Friday?  blech

The crochet blanket mentioned previously is coming along nicely, although it has changed forms a couple times since then.  It has attained the form it will finish with now, even if it means sacrificing the previous incarnation which was awesome but not doing for me in a crib blanket.  I'll get some pics up when I'm not feeling like I've got a monkey on my back...literally....with his monkey hands encircling my throat and squeezing. 

Until which time I'm feeling less monkey ridden I leave you with a few pics of some oldies but goodies...things I've created in my more obsessive healthier days...good times.

Yarrrrgh, I need a haircut!  But you get the drift.  

Monday, March 7, 2011

Crochet and Spring!!


It was a busy morning, and unexpectedly so; filled with trips to Les Schwab (just checkin'), the toy store(the baby's turning 5) AND the craft store since I finally got my plan together for the crib blanket I've been asked to make, and yay for that!  So since my tires are not in fact going to fall off things are looking well.  Also let child play in park after preschool today, and went by to get his kindergarten enrollment papers so I don't feel bad about letting him watch tv. 

Yay.  Time for me to turn on the tea pot and get to the important stuff:  the yarn. 

I finally closed the door on the crib blanket and locked into a pattern.  I've been trying to figure it out and have finally gotten working.  Sometimes it takes a while, in my case, it took weeks but who's counting, right?  I am however, counting myself lucky that she said May 3, not March 3...I hope.  I figure it would be immediately on Facebook and so far we've made it and there's been no mention.  It's sad I have to turn to fb to remember things like this but that's a whole other story.  Once I realized I had some time, I could breathe a little and try to imagine a giant blanket.  I'm working with a lucious lilac-lavender acrylic, Caron's this time.  Gonna just go all giant granny square till I run out and then edge it with a couple other pretties not shown here.  The picture, as always, doesn't totally pick up the color but it's pretty yummy, like salt water taffy.  Add some giant flowers for edging maybe?  With sparkles?  I just may.


Almost done with the car seat one. 

Still needs an edging and a good, sound  blocking but once it's done it'll rock.  Again the color thing is funky.  I'll get it someday. 

Notice the slit left for the carseat buckle in the right hand picture?  "Is that  a seatbelt hole?", you ask?  Yes, indeed it is, in all it's i-can't-believe-i-didn't-think-of-that glory.  That had never, ever occurred to me till I saw in a crochet book I've owned for years and it's freakin' brilliant.  Just goes to show you never know it all which is why I'm a yarn-o-holic.  Now I go forth to watch ghost shows and crochet for a couple hours. 

Have a good afternoon!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ducks and Crochet

It's still Duck season here. As in Oregon Ducks. As in Oregon Ducks in BCS. As in Oregon Ducks rock!! So, in light of the hell-has-frozen-over cold we've had lately AND the Oregon Ducks in the BCS game, I've been turning and burning on Duck themed yarn goodies. I have this one scarf available now, along with a fabulous and funky headband/ear warmer. I also pasted a picture of the Webfoot scarf that has made such noise this year. I've been surprised by how many people wanted one! I'll be making more in the next couple days, and will have the whole lot up on my shop whenever I can get my 4 year old to lay off messing with me and the chair everytime I get on the computer! Hope you enjoy.