Sunday, November 14, 2010

Crochet and rearranging the living room

We decided it would be a great idea to rearrange the living room today. I'm not sure why, but we always think it will be easy. Ah, the road to $&%% is paved with good intentions, right?

I had forgotten about the swiss cheese wall behind the giant mirror. This means we now need to paint the newly patched wall. And empty the book case so we can move that too.

And how the heck did my child collect so many darn toys and why are they all downstairs?!
Oh a lighter note, I finished Bethany's waterfowl-oriented-not-affiliated-with-any-particular-kickass-local -college scarf. I just need to block it and I'll get it in the mail tomorrow. Now I'm off to find some sort of lunch type meal since we're hungry. Does this mean I have to shower? Not it does not, this is what drive-thru's are for.

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