Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Roasted Chicken Tuesday

chicken in milk

Dinner just went from "Well.....I guess I can put in a chicken...."


"HEY, I've got like 3 cans of coconut milk!!! Oh ya!! I can make that killer chicken with lemons and coconut milk! Yes, I rock, I am brilliant and should be given a medal for being so."

Recipe follows below, I twisted up a Jamie (not Jaime) Oliver recipe and included the links to the original inspiration blog and original recipe below that.

One Whole Chicken rinsed, patted dry and salted and peppered to taste (I like a lot of both)
10 big cloves garlic, don't even peel them (I love this recipe already).
a can of light coconut milk
zest of 2 lemons
1/2 stick cinnamon
a good handful of fresh sage.

I will probably use a mix of lemons and oranges. I have satsuma's so may just use some of them. In the past when we've made this we didn't sear it first, or at least I don't remember doing so, so I think I'll make that happen today.

Fresh sage if you've got it but could use any herb I think, fresh or dried. Thyme, oregano, basil would all be good. We're lucky enough to have a healthy and bushy new sage plant outside, so I'll go save some from the rain.

Now, the recipe below calls for like a stick of butter or something. We all know everything is better with butter, but I'm not into a butter induced heart attack, so I'm going to opt for a mix of canola and olive oil to brown this bad boy off instead. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Last time I did this I didn't look up a recipe and just dumped some stuff in the pot. It was good, but not magickal like it was the first time my hubby made it.



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